Kendale Primary International School was established in 1972. The school has a long history of high academic achievement and prepares its pupils for both international and Italian middle schools. The classes, ranging from beginning primary (4 -5 years) to 5th Grade (Year 6), are small with an average of 10-14 students per class.

Kendale offers the joy of learning and working in a cohesive community where the efforts and contributions of all those involved are appreciated and valued. A community where there is an emphasis, not only on important scholastic goals and high behavioural expectations but also on creativity and, amongst others, the values of kindness, empathy, caring and sharing. In order to maintain a cooperative group ethic, opportunities are regularly provided for classes to interact with other age groups. Within these groups each individual is nurtured and respected so that they grow in confidence and self-esteem.

The personalised approach to learning leads to a constant flow of visits from ex-students, many of whose parents were themselves pupils at the school. Ex-Kendalians around the world maintain a connection with their peers many years after leaving. This connection is in line with our school motto: ONCE A KENDALIAN; ALWAYS A KENDALIAN!


The time has come for us to move on from this school and i can swear it is not easy at all. Especially when it means leaving a school like you, Kendale. You are the school that every child dreams of, the school that in a short time becomes your home. The school that you miss in the summer and love in the winter. I could never say that the last 6 years of my life were boring because of all the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met here. I remember the first day ever in Kendale when my mom came to enrol me in this school. I went into the office where I met a well-dressed lady whom I later discovered was Mrs. Fabriani. I didn’t know what my mother was doing until the lady said “Welcome to your new school!” Then I made friends with my class and even made a best friend. Something I really enjoyed was Art Week, a whole week of art activities. My favourite year was fourth grade, that was the year I had to grow up and be part of a bigger class. I was scared at first but then I became best friends with one of the girls in the older class, and we are still friends today! We went on a four-day trip to Florence and the following year we went to Greece. These few lines are never going to be enough to list all the qualities of this school or all the memories I have lived here. I thank all the teachers who taught us with love and care. That said, I can finally say “Goodbye Kendale!”
– Julienne (aged 10)

Thank you Kendale, for all these years in this “learning for life” school. I never thought it would end. I want to leave this experience knowing that i have learned and grown, realising that: Kendale once, Kendale forever! Now I understand that the teachers here took so much time to teach us and they did it in the hope that people will realise that Kendalians are special. I know that everyone in this school, from the smallest to the biggest, will grow and will not fail, even those who may not seem special or important have a meaningful role to play in this world. We can be who we want to be, we can lead if we want to. We are the new generation and the world will be in our hands! It is up to us to create a new world. Hard work will always be recognised. Lastly I would like to thank not only the teachers but my classmates who are friends for life. Goodbye Kendale and good luck!
– Francesco (aged 10)


Carissime Maestre della Kendale,
ho pensato di scrivere alcune semplici righe per esprimere tutta la mia gratitudine per gli anni vissuti insieme ai miei bambini, Giulia e Massimo Enea.
Grazie per come avete saputo prendervi cura di loro, con affetto materno ma allo stesso tempo aiutandoli a superare con sicurezza i primi distacchi.
Grazie per la pazienza dimostrata ogni giorno con i loro grandi capricci…ma anche con le nostre domande ed i nostri mille dubbi.
Grazie per aver insegnato loro ogni cosa con impegno e dedizione, facendo in modo che ci mostrassero, fieri, i loro piccoli traguardi.
Grazie per aver saputo gestire al meglio anche le situazioni più delicate, come un addio al pannolino più difficile di altri o ad un inserimento più impegnativo.
Grazie per averci sempre reso partecipi con entusiasmo dei loro progressi e delle loro piccole, grandi conquiste.
Grazie per averci regalato ogni giorno la serenità di sapere i nostri figli al sicuro, amati e coccolati come a casa.
Infine un grazie speciale per come avete gestito un momento così difficile di pandemia mondiale. I nostri bimbi anche a distanza hanno sentito tutti i giorni il calore di un vero abbraccio, prendendovi cura oltre alla didattica a distanza anche dell’aspetto psicologico dei miei bambini (un grazie particolare a Miss Noemi).
Ma ringrazio tutti i maestri! Per la grande professionalità!